Folk Art
Coloring Book

My Folk Art Coloring Book features 30 artworks inspired by traditional and contemporary art styles from around the world! The illustrations in this book are all my own original designs, inspired by specific folk art styles from a variety of cultures.

Check out some colored examples below, and scroll down to the video to see a slideshow of the entire book!

Click the thumbnails below to enlarge the artwork:

Video Slideshow

This slideshow features every single page of my Folk Art Coloring Book.

Where to Buy

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Huichol Sun Moon Coloring Page Art by Thaneeya McArdle
Huichol Sun and Moon from Folk ARt Coloring Book
Matryoshka Russian Nesting Doll Coloring Page by Thaneeya McARdle
Russian Matryoshka Nesting Doll Coloring ARt by Thaneeya McArdle
Hamsa coloring page from Thaneeya McArdle’s Folk Art Coloring Book

Check out my other coloring books!