It's All Good Calendars
My It's All Good Calendars are a celebration of color and positivity! These calendars feature 13 vibrantly-illustrated positive phrases, plus each calendar comes with a large 12" x 12" coloring page as an added bonus.
Below are the three It's All Good Calendars I’ve released with Andrews McMeel Publishing. On this page you can see all the hand-lettered art that appears in these calendars. These images can be displayed as positive affirmations in your home or office even after the month/year has passed, making these calendars an inexpensive source of colorful art prints that you can enjoy long after the year is over!
It was a real honor to create these It's All Good calendars for 3 years!
I've been receiving dozens and dozens of messages from people who have been searching for my current calendars, but I'm sorry to say that my publisher decided to discontinue them, so my last calendars were for 2020. That means there won't be any more calendars for the time being, but I'm definitely open to the idea of creating calendars again in the future if the opportunity arises - perhaps with a new publisher, or I may look into self-publishing options.
Many of the messages I've received have been wonderfully supportive, with heartfelt anecdotes about how people enjoyed seeing my artwork every day. It means a lot to me to hear that my calendars have had such a positive influence in people's daily lives. What an honor for my art to have spent such a meaningful time in your home, school or office!! I can't thank you enough for purchasing my calendars over the years and for sending me such lovely messages now that they are no longer available for the current year. It's really been the best feedback an artist can hope for, so THANK YOU!! 💗
If and when I create new calendars, I'll be sure to update this page with information about where to purchase. Thank you again for everything!! 😃
2020 It's All Good Calendar

2019 It's All Good Calendar

2018 It's All Good Calendar

If you like my hand-lettered mantras, check out more of my colorful positive phrases!
I first created many of the illustrated phrases you see on this page for my coloring books. Two of my coloring books are totally dedicated to hand-lettered positive phrases: Good Vibes and More Good Vibes.
My Live For Today Coloring Book also includes a positive message on each coloring page, although for that book I sometimes made the words a small part of a larger image, rather than take up the whole page.
Additionally, I also try to include a few hand-lettered phrases in each of my coloring books (if the theme allows), so you can also find some of these uplifting mantras in my other books as well - especially Power of Love, Think Happy! and Follow Your Bliss.