Easy Adult Coloring Techniques

In my latest video, I'm delighted to show you some of my all-time favorite coloring techniques that you can use with markers and colored pencils - of any brand!

You might recognize the owl above from the cover of my Groovy Owls Coloring Book! 🦉

I originally colored in the cover art using Copic Markers, which are a very expensive artist supply, making them out of reach for most people. 😕

So MY goal in this video is to demonstrate how you can use MUCH cheaper art supplies to create a nearly identical effect! 😍

I'll be using Crayola colored pencils and Sharpie Markers to color in this owl. And then, I'll add details on top using Posca paint pens!

When you look at the close-ups above and below, can you tell which artwork was colored with expensive art supplies, and which was colored with cheap art supplies?! 🧐

🎨 In my newest YouTube video, you’ll learn:

➜ how to combine markers and colored pencils together in the same drawing

➜ how to use markers to smooth out colored pencil blends

➜ how to create depth and shading using colored pencils

➜ how to choose the best marker and colored pencil colors to use together

➜ how to use paint pens to add extra pizazz to your artwork


You'll be amazed by how quickly you can can improve your coloring by using these easy techniques! 😍

If you enjoy my videos, be sure to subscribe to my channel so that you never miss a thing! 🥰

If you have any suggestions for future videos you'd like me to make, feel free to comment below and let me know what you'd like to see! 😃

Thanks for reading!

Wishing you a wonderful week! 💖