Thaneeya McArdle Diamond Painting Kits
/ Thaneeya McArdleI'm so excited to let you know that there's an entirely new way to enjoy crafting with my art... introducing my new Diamond Painting kits!
Sixteen of my artworks are now available as large diamond painting kits that measure 50cm x 50cm (approx 20" x 20"). As you can see, I've been working on this detailed butterfly design, and I'm about 1/3 of the way done!
I've discovered that because diamond paintings are so detailed, they're difficult to photograph in a way that accurately conveys what they look like on a tiny screen! So, here's a zoomed-in pic below to give you an idea of scale... plus this pic gives you a better idea of how shiny and sparkly the gems are!
In addition to the full-size kits, you can also enjoy assembling special round diamond paintings like the cute cat below!

My diamond painting kits are created by a wonderful family-owned company called Crystal Canvas, and they are currently the only company that is officially allowed to create diamond paintings from my art. Crystal Canvas only sells my kits via their website, so if you happen to see my art sold as diamond paintings anywhere else, please know that the item is an infringement, which means the seller is not paying me for their unauthorized use of my art. (Unfortunately infringements are very common, so if you happen to spot one, please let me know and I'll do what I can to get it taken down. Thank you! )
Below you can see my progress on my tiger diamond painting!
For me the best part of diamond painting is watching the image slowly come alive with color and shine.
UPDATE: I’m delighted to show you the finished butterfly diamond painting!
These diamond paintings are really difficult to photograph because they're so sparkly and detailed, but hopefully this gives you an idea of how they look! Just imagine the color and shine that you see on your screen cranked up 1000 times in real life, because these photos don't do it justice. The way the little crystal diamonds get illuminated by the light actually remind me of Lite Brites, one of my favorite toys when I was a little kid!
Get out your markers ~ it's time to embark on a whimsical journey as we color in this magical wizard cat! 😍 In my fun, easy-to-follow Wizard Cat Alcohol Markers Course, you get a detailed, up-close view as I walk you through the steps of creating this adorable cat illustration!
It’s time to get groovy with my newest set of printable coloring pages! 😍 My Super Groovy Coloring Pages features 23 whimsical illustrations for you to fill with color - from cute aliens to positive phrases to hippie cats and more!
Learn how to paint rocks in my easy step-by-step video tutorial for beginners! I’ll explain my favorite rock painting supplies and show you my favorite techniques for painting colorful mandalas on rocks!
In this video, you can learn all of my TOP tips for using alcohol markers! I’ve been using alcohol markers for over 10 years and I’m so excited to share with you everything I wish someone had explained to me, back when I was first learning to use them! 😃
In my latest video, I'm delighted to show you some of my all-time favorite coloring techniques that you can use with markers and colored pencils - of any brand! You’ll learn how to combine markers and colored pencils together in the same drawing, how to use markers to smooth out colored pencil blends, and more!
If you enjoy color, detail and patterns, my newest YouTube video is right up your alley! 😍 This mandala drawing lesson is perfect for beginners, because we start right at the beginning and go step-by-step! 😃
I'm so excited to let you know that my brand-new YouTube channel is now officially live!! Here's a peek at my little filming studio, which I had so much fun decorating. I especially enjoyed painting the little gnome in the lower right corner. So glad I could find space for him on my desk! To kick things off, I've posted 4 fun art videos for you!
I’m so excited to let you know that my newest course is now available! Introducing: my Ultimate Guide to Using Alcohol Markers! In this comprehensive video course, you’ll learn step-by-step how to use alcohol markers to create gorgeous art - including detailed lessons on how to color in all 3 of the artworks you see here!
I'm SO excited to let you know that my FREE mini alcohol markers course is now available!! 😍 In this FREE course with over 90 minutes of instructional video, you’ll learn step-by-step how to color in this luminescent butterfly using alcohol markers! 🦋 Free printable butterfly line art is included, along with a detailed Coloring Supplies list, so you can follow along at home!
YAY ~ my newest coloring book is now available! 🎨 My Ultimate Day of the Dead Coloring Book features a total of 84 Día de Muertos coloring pages! It was a truly an honor to create the art for this giant coloring collection, that centers around such a meaningful holiday where we celebrate our loved ones who have passed away. 💖
My new Groovy Animals Puzzles are now available from Ceaco! 😍 These brightly colored 750-piece jigsaw puzzles feature my whimsically detailed illustrations of a llama, a panda, and a cow. I had so much fun creating these intricate illustrations, and I hope you enjoy assembling them as puzzles! 😃
I'm so excited to let you know that there's an entirely new way to enjoy crafting with my art... introducing my new Diamond Painting kits by Crystal Canvas! Sixteen of my artworks are now available as large diamond painting kits that measure 50cm x 50cm (approx 20" x 20"). From butterflies to sugar skulls to tigers and unicorns and more, there are so many diamond painting kits to choose from that feature my art!
My new set of printable Easy Large Print Mandala Coloring Pages is now available! This set includes 12 printable mandalas that feature thick black lines that are easy to see—ideal for people with low vision! The thick black lines also make it easier for people with fine motor issues to color within the lines. The designs are also less complex so you can enjoy a relaxing coloring session and finish your masterpiece in one sitting!
Happy news ~ my Halloween Coloring Pages are now available!! YAY!! 🎃 👻 This printable e-book of Halloween Coloring Pages features 10 frightfully fun illustrations to celebrate Halloween - from grinning jack o’lanterns to bubbling cauldrons to cute bats and more! I had so much fun designing these whimsical Halloween illustrations and I can’t wait to see how you color them in!
Get out your markers, colored pencils and gel pens! I’ve just released a new set of printable coloring pages that are ready to be filled with color! 😊 Introducing my Enchanted Faces Coloring Pages - a set of 10 printable coloring pages of female faces surrounded by whimsical designs. These coloring pages are quite detailed - for example, it took me 8-9 hours to color in the pic above, spread across several days!
I’m often asked about my favorite markers for coloring. Copic Sketch Markers are at the top of my list - they’re the ones I reach for whenever I want to achieve smooth blends of vibrant colors, lay down colors quickly, and fill both large and small areas with color. To help explain what I love about Copics and break it down for beginners, I wrote a detailed article about Copic Markers.
This year I'm excited to start bringing you more downloadable sets of printable coloring pages! Nine years ago I created my first set of printable coloring pages - how time has flown! 🤩 My first set of the year is a set of Detailed Mandala Coloring Pages for your coloring enjoyment! This set contains 10 intricate mandalas that you can print and color.
I'm delighted to show you some of the fabulously festive ways that people have been coloring in the art from my Christmas Coloring Book, Holiday Cheer Coloring Book, and small Color Christmas Coloring Book! I’ve just added new coloring galleries to my website so you can see a bunch more examples of how people have colored in these whimsical holiday pages.
I recently finished coloring in this Christmas unicorn from my Holiday Cheer Coloring Book! Along the way I took copious notes about the supplies I used, and also took a bunch of progress pics, which I’ve put together in a long tutorial that shows you how I colored in this Christmas unicorn. Check out my Christmas Unicorn coloring page tutorial!
Take a look inside my new Live a Colorful Life Coloring Book! Check out my 2.5 minute video flip-through that shows you every single page in this book that's filled with 40 whimsical positive phrases for you to fill with color and creativity. Can’t wait to see how you color in these pages!
Markers are definitely my favorite art supply for coloring in my coloring books! Markers allow you to quickly fill in large spaces with bold, vibrant colors, and best of all you can layer on top of them with other media like paint pens, gel pens and colored pencils, which is perfect for adding details or extra shading.
Woohoo - my 2020 wall calendars are here!! 😎 It’s always an exciting day when my calendars arrive. Because I create the artwork a year in advance, it’s a long 12-month wait before I get to see the final product. I love that feeling of slicing open the box, reaching in and pulling out the padding and finally…
I was incredibly excited about visiting Hobbiton during a recent New Zealand trip, and it proved to be just as delightful as I hoped it would be! Hobbiton is insanely enchanting, with those iconic brightly-colored round doors and green grassy roofs that define the rustic little houses carved into the hillsides…
I love alpacas, with their long necks and goofy faces and soft fur, so when planning our shore excursions for our New Zealand cruise, I was super-excited to discover that we could visit an actual alpaca farm in Akaroa! We were delighted to spend time up-close and personal with a fun group of chill alpacas…
For 13 nights, my husband Marcus and I sailed from Melbourne to New Zealand and back with his parents to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. It was an exciting voyage that involved hugging alpacas, gawking at majestic fiords, exploring Hobbiton, and numerous other highlights!
Blue Lotus Water Garden is one of my favorite places to visit in the Yarra Valley in Victoria, Australia. Step beyond the gates and enter a world of lush greenery, where for a few hours you can get lost in a sea of serenely floating pink and white lotus blossoms…
I’m excited to show you this collection of animated GIFs that feature a bunch of my love-related artwork! You know I love all things whimsical so I’m delighted with how these animations bring my art to life in such a fun way.
I spent the holidays in the DC area so naturally I took the opportunity to visit lots of art museums and galleries. I thought it might be fun to show you some pics of my favorite art pieces!
I LOVE trying out new art supplies, so I was delighted when a representative from Spectrum Noir contacted me and asked if I'd be interested in testing out their metallic markers! They look especially awesome on black paper…
Recently, I got the urge to play with paint. I also wanted to try something I've never done before, so I got out my acrylics and paint markers, and spent over 50 HOURS painting this life-sized llama! 😍